I was out of energy and indigestion was almost a nightly ritual, sometimes it was so bad it felt like my chest was caving in, not to mention I was constantly coming down with colds, my joints, back, neck, hips and every other part of my body seemed to hurt daily, I was a complete mess and way overweight at age 46, I felt extremely old and looked it too. Then one day I got so tired and fed up with the way I felt and looked, I said enough is enough I can't live like this anymore. That started my search for the truth about why and how to fix ?
Most people reach for the quick antacid formula that they bought over the counter, but studies have shown that these can cause even more problems in the digestive track that lead to other health problems. As in this article How your antacid drug is making you sick.
But I found a way to kill 2 birds with one stone and it works like a charm. Not do I only have way more energy but I haven't had indigestion in years, I also want to add my health has went through the roof and I've been able to help other people do the same. What's really cool is it's easy to understand and simple to do. So here's some tips that helped me and the people I've shared it with. I'm not talking about weeks, months or years but in just 1-3 days and in some cases immediately.
So here are the tips and if you use them, you just might see better health benefits besides more energy and your indigestion disappear. The following tips are about using your digestive track the way nature made it to work, and since the digestive system uses up to 60-70% of our bodies energy daily to digest food it best to make digestion simple while conserving that valuable energy for other things more important so it works for us and our health.
Combining our foods so they digest easily made a huge difference. Since different foods need different digestive enzymes and different acid and alkaline digestive mediums when foods are improperly combined can actually slow down digestion or completely neutralize digestion. When that happens it can cause toxins instead of nutrients to feed our cells. That's where the real problem begins.
Here are the least Compatible combinations with the human digestive system. Even though these combinations are commonly eaten, but also quite often followed by indigestion and feelings of lethargy.
But I found a way to kill 2 birds with one stone and it works like a charm. Not do I only have way more energy but I haven't had indigestion in years, I also want to add my health has went through the roof and I've been able to help other people do the same. What's really cool is it's easy to understand and simple to do. So here's some tips that helped me and the people I've shared it with. I'm not talking about weeks, months or years but in just 1-3 days and in some cases immediately.
So here are the tips and if you use them, you just might see better health benefits besides more energy and your indigestion disappear. The following tips are about using your digestive track the way nature made it to work, and since the digestive system uses up to 60-70% of our bodies energy daily to digest food it best to make digestion simple while conserving that valuable energy for other things more important so it works for us and our health.
Combining our foods so they digest easily made a huge difference. Since different foods need different digestive enzymes and different acid and alkaline digestive mediums when foods are improperly combined can actually slow down digestion or completely neutralize digestion. When that happens it can cause toxins instead of nutrients to feed our cells. That's where the real problem begins.
Here are the least Compatible combinations with the human digestive system. Even though these combinations are commonly eaten, but also quite often followed by indigestion and feelings of lethargy.
Acid-Starch combination:
All acids destroy the starch splitting enzyme salivary amylase. This includes the acids contained in fruits and the acetic acid in vinegar. Due to the different transit times of fruits and starches, the fruits will be detained In the stomach, this will result in fermentation, which is the decomposition of food, where nutrition will be impaired.
Protein-Starch combination:
As mentioned earlier, salivary amylase is destroyed in the stomach in the presence of a highly acidic medium. Since protein digestion requires such a medium, this combination is unacceptable as it would completely halt the digestion of starch and therefore ferment.
Protein-Protein combination:
Each type of protein food requires different timing and different modifications of digestive secretions. When one protein is combined with another protein, digestion becomes difficult.
As it stands protein is the most difficult food nutrient for the body to digest anyway. We would benefit by consuming one type of protein at a meal. The exception would be nuts as their composition are similar and different nuts can be combined.
Acid-protein combination:
The enzyme pepsin is necessary for protein digestion and pepsin will only be active in the presence of one particular acid, hydrochloric acid. Other acids destroy this enzyme, including fruit acids. Also when fruits are eaten with proteins, the fruits again will be detained in the stomach until the completion of protein digestion. And fermentation of fruit sugars will result.
Fat-Protein combination:
Fats inhibit the flow of gastric juices, interfering with protein digestion. The presence of oil in fat in the stomach delays gastric juice secretions on the subsequent meal of otherwise readily digestible food. Since our need for fat is very little, and most protein foods already contain a sufficient quantity of fat, any additional fat intake becomes difficult to digest. Avoid combining butter, oils, avocado, etc with protein foods.
Sugar-Protein combination:
Sugars also inhibit the secretion of gastric juices, interfering with protein digestion, this is true of both fruit sugars and commercial sugars, the sugar will be detained in the stomach, resulting in fermentation.
Sugar-Starch combination:
If starch is combined with sugar, the starch is disguised, preventing the adaption of saliva to starch digestion, this means the saliva will not contain the salivary amylase enzyme necessary for starch digestion. And the sugars will ferment in the stomach. This is seen in the common breakfast practise of pastry eating or the mixing of juice and or fruits with cereals or bread and is the cause of unpleasant symptoms.
Take milk alone or leave it alone:
Milk is the perfect food for the young of each mammalian species of animal. The nutrient content is specific to provide for the nutritional needs of the particular animal. Cows milk for baby cows and human milk for human babies. However the enzyme rennin diminishes as the baby develops and is completely non existent around the age of 2-3 years old or when the child has a full set of teeth, this signals the weaning and feeding of solid foods.
By the time we are adults this enzyme doesn't exist and therefore milk digestion is complicated. Because of its protein and fat content, it combines poorly with all foods. Upon entering the stomach it turns into curd and tends to form around the rest of the food in the stomach. The insulating effect prevents digestion of the other food until the curd is digested.
Melons take them alone:
Melons are comprised of an additional class of fruit, as they decompose even faster than other fruits. For this reason it's been advised to eat melons separately from other foods. They actually make for a great breakfast meal by themselves.
So there it is and it has made all the difference in the world in energy throughout the day and complete arrest of indigestion that haunted me for years the people I've shared this with have had great results and we hope the same for you. We hope this helped you. We would love to hear how this helped in the comment box or if you would just like to reach out to us with other questions it would be our pleasure to answer any question you have. Please share this with someone you know that may get value from this information.
To your health and happiness
Dennis Harlow
CHNP & Holistic Health & Healing Minister
Jump For Joy Health & Fitness
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