In our last post we talked about how to have more energy and stomp out indigestion. Today we're going to cover food combining and the ultimate role it plays in human health. Today many nutritionist or fitness enthusiasts focus on nutrients as the way to achieve amazing health. Are nutrients and exercise critical for health? Yes, but there is a subtle difference in this meaning where they miss the boat, and here's why.
Food nutrients are not nutrition, in other words you're not the result of foods and nutrients you eat, but you are the result of the foods and nutrients you assimilate. In other words what good is a food or nutrient you eat if you cannot digest it, where it will not supply the body the fuel it needs to build healthy cells on a cellular level? The answer is absolutely worthless.
This is why high-acid forming foods and foods combined improperly give us the opposite health effect we're trying to achieve. The nutrients cannot be properly digested and assimilated by the body. Americans for far to long have been over indulging in over processed, nutrient depleted pure junk food disguised as low fat, no fat, low carb, high carb and everywhere in between denatured health promoting, weight losing certifiable crap. Pushed through commercials designed by food giant companies and the media to produce more sales, that only has one interest in mind. Your money they, could care less about your health. There is more unhealthy addictions in this world than just drugs with the same results, and junk disguised as food is one of them
And it can be seen in the health of the American people. This is why there's a major rise in diseases like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and much more. And it's been predicted to get worse if we don't take personal responsibility and stop buying and consuming their junk. If we stop buying it then they stop making it. It really is that simple, they're in the business to make money, if there not making money then they stop producing it. This is powerful stuff because it puts you in control.
The thing is you've always been in control but you just haven't exercised your power.
So how do I exercise my power?
1. You have to take personal responsibility of yourself and health, stop making excuses, forgive yourself for being self destructive by letting your old self fade away.
2. Get organized-this means you have to put the time in for the plan to work. It is said that people don't plan to fail they just fail to plan. This statement is the absolute truth bar none. People fail over and over and over time & time again, because they go flying in with great intentions but fall way short because the plan wasn't set and they didn't follow it.
Or even worse they didn't have a plan so they weren't organized and they expected it to just happen and work. That's insane thinking and definitely not the way to start your health revolution. So those two steps of taking personal responsibility and getting organized are the foundation to build a healthy house on.
Next and this is really important to your health and life. You need to unlearn what you have learned. That's right you heard me, because what you're doing right now hasn't worked, and if it keeps coming back or other issues come up after that's solved then it's not working, it's time to throw the I'll just fix this and if something else comes up then I'll just fix that mentality.
That is what's called the medical mentality. What do I mean by that? The medical profession treats health issues and diseases like they are a separate entity apart from the body with no reason for it's arrival, like it just miraculously entered your body out of no where. And we don't know what caused it, you'll just have to live with it!
Isn't it any wonder why their are so many sick and suffering people walking the streets, country and planet. But that's not going to be you anymore EVER!
So what foods will help the most for optimum health?
Fresh, wholesome fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds in their uncooked, whole, natural state, taken in modest amounts and proper combinations in a state of rest and emotional balance!
This is what's known as the ideal diet for maximum health potential. Why you might ask? Because it follows the natural laws of the human body that expedites the assimilation of vital vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are already in our food, without disrupting the digestive systems natural biological function.
Here's some helpful Food Combining Charts to help you with combinations in your food planing for the day.
Here's some helpful Food Combining Charts to help you with combinations in your food planing for the day.
We understand how some may wish to stick to cooking, and that's okay. You can still get some great benefits from the food combining principals and charts, just remember that when cooking it's best to cook at low heats and for short periods of time, because cooking removes the water, vitamins, minerals and nutrients and fiber from the food, all the good health promoting stuff . It's best to remove food before it gets soft and still has a healthy crunch when eaten.
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If you liked what you learned here please share and comment.
Dennis Harlow
CHNP & Holistic health & healing minister
Jump for joy health & fitness
just for the health of it!
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