Saturday, September 24, 2016

How to have more energy and end indigestion? Tips to put out the fire.


One of the biggest complaints I hear people talk about, and it seems daily,  is I wish I could have more energy. The next question I ask them is, do you suffer from indigestion often? More often than not the answers is yes "How Did You Know". Well not only was that me a little over 7 years ago, but those weren't the only conditions I had.

I was out of energy and indigestion was almost a nightly ritual, sometimes it was so bad it felt like my chest was caving in, not to mention I was constantly coming down with colds, my joints, back, neck, hips and every other part of my body seemed to hurt daily, I was a complete mess and way overweight at age 46, I felt extremely old and looked it too. Then one day I got so tired and fed up with the way I felt and looked, I said enough is enough I can't live like this anymore. That started my search for the truth about why and how to fix ?

Most people reach for the quick antacid formula that they bought over the counter, but studies have shown that these can cause even more problems in the digestive track that lead to other health problems. As in this article How your antacid drug is making you sick.

But I found a way to kill 2 birds with one stone and it works like a charm. Not do I only have way more energy but I haven't had indigestion in years, I also want to add my health has went through the roof and I've been able to help other people do the same. What's really cool is it's easy to understand and simple to do. So here's some tips that helped me and the people I've shared it with. I'm not talking about weeks, months or years but in just 1-3 days and in some cases immediately.

So here are the tips and if you use them, you just might see better health benefits besides more energy and your indigestion disappear. The following tips are about using your digestive track the way nature made it to work, and since the digestive system uses up to 60-70% of our bodies energy daily to digest food it best to make digestion simple while conserving that valuable energy for other things more important so it works for us and our health.

Combining our foods so they digest easily made a huge difference. Since different foods need different digestive enzymes and different acid and alkaline digestive mediums when foods are improperly combined can actually slow down digestion or completely neutralize digestion. When that happens it can cause toxins instead of nutrients to feed our cells. That's where the real problem begins.

Here are the least Compatible combinations with the human digestive system. Even though these combinations are commonly eaten, but also quite often followed by indigestion and feelings of lethargy.

Acid-Starch combination:

All acids destroy the starch splitting enzyme salivary amylase. This includes the acids contained in fruits and the acetic acid in vinegar. Due to the different transit times of fruits and starches, the fruits will be detained In the stomach, this will result in fermentation, which is the decomposition of food, where nutrition will be impaired. 

Protein-Starch combination:

As mentioned earlier, salivary amylase is destroyed in the stomach in the presence of a highly acidic medium. Since protein digestion requires such a medium, this combination is unacceptable as it would completely halt the digestion of starch and therefore ferment. 

Protein-Protein combination:

Each type of protein food requires different timing and different modifications of digestive secretions. When one protein is combined with another protein, digestion becomes difficult. 

As it stands protein is the most difficult food nutrient for the body to digest anyway. We would benefit by consuming one type of protein at a meal. The exception would be nuts as their composition are similar and different nuts can be combined.

Acid-protein combination:

The enzyme pepsin is necessary for protein digestion and pepsin will only be active in the presence of one particular acid, hydrochloric acid. Other acids destroy this enzyme, including fruit acids. Also when fruits are eaten with proteins, the fruits again will be detained in the stomach until the completion of protein digestion. And fermentation of fruit sugars will result.

Fat-Protein combination:

Fats inhibit the flow of gastric juices, interfering with protein digestion. The presence of oil in fat in the stomach delays gastric juice secretions on the subsequent meal of otherwise readily digestible food. Since our need for fat is very little, and most protein foods already contain a sufficient quantity of fat, any additional fat intake becomes difficult to digest. Avoid combining butter, oils, avocado, etc with protein foods.

Sugar-Protein combination:

Sugars also inhibit the secretion of gastric juices, interfering with protein digestion, this is true of both fruit sugars and commercial sugars, the sugar will be detained in the stomach, resulting in fermentation.

Sugar-Starch combination:

If starch is combined with sugar, the starch is disguised, preventing the adaption of saliva to starch digestion, this means the saliva will not contain the salivary amylase enzyme necessary for starch digestion. And the sugars will ferment in the stomach. This is seen in the common breakfast practise of pastry eating or the mixing of juice and or fruits with cereals or bread and is  the cause of unpleasant symptoms.

Take milk alone or leave it alone:

Milk is the perfect food for the young of each mammalian species of animal. The nutrient content is specific to provide for the nutritional needs of the particular animal. Cows milk for baby cows and human milk for human babies. However the enzyme rennin diminishes as the baby develops and is completely non existent around the age of 2-3 years old or when the child has a full set of teeth, this signals the weaning and feeding of solid foods. 

By the time we are adults this enzyme doesn't exist and therefore milk digestion is complicated. Because of its protein and fat content, it combines poorly with all foods. Upon entering the stomach it turns into curd and tends to form around the rest of the food in the stomach. The insulating effect prevents digestion of the other food until the curd is digested.

Melons take them alone:

Melons are comprised of an additional class of fruit, as they decompose even faster than other fruits. For this reason it's been advised to eat melons separately from other foods. They actually make for a great breakfast meal by themselves.

So there it is and it has made all the difference in the world in energy throughout the day and complete arrest of indigestion that haunted me for years the people I've shared this with have had great results and we hope the same for you. We hope this helped you. We would love to hear how this helped in the comment box or if you would just like to reach out to us with other questions it would be our pleasure to answer any question you have. Please share this with someone you know that may get value from this information.

To your health and happiness 

Dennis Harlow
CHNP & Holistic Health & Healing Minister 
Jump For Joy Health & Fitness

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Foods that play-The ultimate role in human health

In our last post we talked about how to have more energy and stomp out indigestion. Today we're going to cover food combining and the ultimate role it plays in human health. Today many nutritionist or fitness enthusiasts focus on nutrients as the way to achieve amazing health. Are nutrients and exercise critical for health? Yes, but there is a subtle difference in this meaning where they miss the boat, and here's why.

Food nutrients are not nutrition, in other words you're not the result of foods and nutrients you eat, but you are the result of the foods and nutrients you assimilate. In other words what good is a food or nutrient you eat if you cannot digest it, where it will not supply the body the fuel it needs to build healthy cells on a cellular level? The answer is absolutely worthless. 

This is why high-acid forming foods and foods combined improperly give us the opposite health effect we're trying to achieve. The nutrients cannot be properly digested and assimilated by the body. Americans for far to long have been over indulging in over processed, nutrient depleted pure junk food disguised as low fat, no fat, low carb, high carb and everywhere in between denatured health promoting, weight losing certifiable crap. Pushed through commercials designed by food giant companies and the media to produce more sales, that only has one interest in mind. Your money they, could care less about your health. There is more unhealthy addictions in this world than just drugs with the same results, and junk disguised as food is one of them

And it can be seen in the health of the American people. This is why there's a major rise in diseases like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and much more. And it's been predicted to get worse if we don't take personal responsibility and stop buying and consuming their junk. If we stop buying it then they stop making it. It really is that simple, they're in the business to make money, if there not making money then they stop producing it. This is powerful stuff because it puts you in control. 
The thing is you've always been in control but you just haven't exercised your power.

So how do I exercise my power?

1. You have to take personal responsibility of yourself and health, stop making excuses, forgive yourself for being self destructive by letting your old self fade away.

2. Get organized-this means you have to put the time in for the plan to work. It is said that people don't plan to fail they just fail to plan. This statement is the absolute truth bar none. People fail over and over and over time & time again, because they go flying in with great intentions but fall way short because the plan wasn't set and they didn't follow it. 

Or even worse they didn't have a plan so they weren't organized and they expected it to just happen and work. That's insane thinking and definitely not the way to start your health revolution. So those two steps of taking personal responsibility and getting organized are the foundation to build a healthy house on.

Next and this is really important to your health and life. You need to unlearn what you have learned. That's right you heard me, because what you're doing right now hasn't worked, and if it keeps coming back or other issues come up after that's solved then it's not working, it's time to throw the I'll just fix this and if something else comes up then I'll just fix that mentality. 

That is what's called the medical mentality. What do I mean by that? The medical profession treats health issues and diseases like they are a separate entity apart from the body with no reason for it's arrival, like it just miraculously entered your body out of no where. And we don't know what caused it, you'll just have to live with it! 

Isn't it any wonder why their are so many sick and suffering people walking the streets, country and planet. But that's not going to be you anymore EVER!

So what foods will help the most for optimum health?

Fresh, wholesome fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds in their uncooked, whole, natural state, taken in modest amounts and proper combinations in a state of rest and emotional balance!

This is what's known as the ideal diet for maximum health potential. Why you might ask? Because it follows the natural laws of the human body that expedites the assimilation of vital vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are already in our food, without disrupting the digestive systems natural biological function.

Here's some helpful Food Combining Charts to help you with combinations in your food planing for the day.

We understand how some may wish to stick to cooking, and that's okay. You can still get some great benefits from the food combining principals and charts, just remember that when cooking it's best to cook at low heats and for short periods of time, because cooking removes the water, vitamins, minerals and nutrients and fiber from the food, all the good health promoting stuff . It's best to remove food before it gets soft and still has a healthy crunch when eaten.

 If you liked what you learned here please share and comment.

Dennis Harlow
CHNP & Holistic health & healing minister
Jump for joy health & fitness
   just for the health of it! 

Friday, May 20, 2016

10 Tips to stomp out overeating!


Overeating has become an epidemic that we as humans cannot afford to endulge in. Obesity is on the rise and it's more prevalent in adults as well as our children. If the health of our world is going to change we need to get back to reality and even more importantly common sense when it comes to our health and eating habits.

We've listed 10 tips that will help you get back io the right track, But first it's important to understand that scientists have located a hunger center deep inside the brain, at the brain stem called the hypothalamus. They've also identified a condition called hypothalamic confusion which is damage or malfunctioning of the hypothalamus. 

The hypothalamus in the brain is ruffly about the size and shape of a clam shell it has a numerous functions, one of these is to trigger hunger and also satiety. When it works efficiently the person doesn't have a eating disorder, this lets them have a normal weight and a normal relationship with food. Most scientists agree that the most important stimulus for the hypothalamus to trigger hunger is glucose or blood sugar in the body.

This leads to vivid images of food on the part of the person that can be so vivid that the brain believes food is on its way which prompts the digestive system to release digestive juices that may start stomach contraction to begin. These are very normal functions of the body to signal hunger. But with the eating disordered person who associates powerful emotions of comfort, release, love, escape, punishment and so on, with the act of eating. Sets the stage for compulsive overeating moments or binge when glucose levels drop and images of food arise.

This is why it so important not to indulge in food imagery and a complete no-no to connect food with the fulfillment of emotional needs. As a matter of fact it would be better to adopt what exercise scientists have recommended for consideration. 

A good aerobics workout of at least 20 minutes will raise blood glucose levels to the equivalent of just having eaten a meal.

It's a scientific fact that exercise nourishes the body, only the nourishment comes from the blood glucose, liver glycogen and other storage spots instead of another plate of food we really didn't need.

All the studies shows without exception that regular exercise over a period of months causes people to eat less, lose weight and feel better. One more extremely important point about the hypothalamus is that it's on a 20 minute time delay. This means it doesn't kick in and say you've had enough STOP EATING NOW! until about 20 minutes have passed. 

In other words the hypothalamus doesn't call for us to stop eating until insulin reaches a certain level in your spinal fluid. This means for most people it takes about 20 minutes from the onset of eating for feelings of fullness to begin.

How to short circuit? 

Fortunately human beings are intelligent, we can unlearn bad behavior and learn more desirable behavior.

This program, along with the end of a poisonous diet and a switch to the wholesome diet of uncooked natural foods, allows the body to unleash a wonderous internal housecleaning and restoration of normal physiological functioning a on all levels. Including the normalization of appetite and weight.

The antidote to overeating is to practice simple behaviors to slow down his or her meal which increases awareness of his or her eating and also allow the hypothalamus to function normally.
Each of the exercises however simple, powerfully short circuits the uncontrollable urge to never stop eating, that calms both emotional and physiological awareness.

Remember 2 things before using these behaviors, first eat at designated eating areas only i.e. Dining room, this helps limit temptation and second eat as pure activity in other words no TV, driving, phoning, etc, etc, etc. in other words eating is the only pure activity except for pleasant conversation no distractions, bite by bite the focus is on the meal. This heightened awareness breaks the addiction to eat compulsively. 

Here are 10 slow down behaviors that slows down the eating process and increase awareness, thereby eliminating the need to compulsively overeat.
It takes 21 days to break a long term compulsive habit. Take 21 days to try these.

1. Take a moment of silence to relax before the meal. Most overeaters sit down to eat already at a high level of anxiety-the ideal state to eat uncontrollably. Since relaxation is the opposite of anxiety, eyes closed for 10 seconds or 10 deep breaths may be all that is needed to focus get centered and relaxed.

2.  A 10 min nap or walk will slow the adrenaline since it's always unwise to eat when tense or upset.
Take at least 20 minutes to eat. Avoid snacks and plan 3 sizeable, hygienic meals each day. In the old days a plate of spaghetti could be swallowed in 3 minutes. But a generous plate of fruit can't, so time is on your side, pace yourself. It takes about 20 min for your physiology to signal the hypothalamus that enough has been eaten. If you don't budget your food to last 20 min, you're forever doomed to overeat.

3. Put your utensil or food down between bites. This is the best habit to form. If you use no other. Let go of the fork! Put the food down! Take time to chew and swallow to know this and to feel. You'll soon become aware of the horrifying speed that people eat. Relax and take a deep breath. Don't feed the nervousness inside you anymore by eating faster and faster.

4.Take smaller bites. A simple trick, the more pieces cut, the more bites to take. This behavior slows down the eating. Slowing down the process with smaller bites stops the compulsion.

5. Use a napkin between bites. This is another fail safe trick that brings the loaded fork out of your mouth. It takes time to lift a napkin and use it then set it back down. Take this time to focus on your food, feelings and friends. Plus it makes you look well mannered and dignified at the table.

6. Stop for 5 min during a meal. No one will notice, probably. Doing so give you a feeling of control as the attachment, the bondage and the attraction between you and your food is momentarily broken. The harder taking 5 min is for you the higher your state of anxiety and the more you need these 5 min so you can gain control again.

7. Keep second helpings at a distance. You'll be forced to make more conscious decisions to overeat if you have to ask someone to pass the food from a distance, perhaps, coupled with increasing awareness of other exercises, during this process of asking and reaching for more food, you'll realize you've had enough.

8. Leave a little on the plate. This exercise is really difficult for some; other even feel panic. The 20 min are up. You've practiced all the behaviors and are beginning to feel full. Now, another test. Leave a few bites- don't eat it all. Remember, you can have more food at your next meal. Not all the food in the world is going to be gone when you return for your next meal.

9. Leave the table when finished. The table is a designated eating area. When the 20 minutes or more are up and the meal is completed. Don't sit around looking at tempting leftovers. There's no need to break down fragile new found resistance. The meal is over and you are free to get on with your life until the next meal.

10. If possible, rest after each meal. Even sitting down for 5 min help digestion. And doing so continues the composure gained during the meal. Take a few moments, also to congratulate yourself on having eaten yet another meal with controlled awareness.

Compulsiveness and composure are opposite emotional events, with opposite physiological parameters. They cannot be experienced simultaneously. If he or she nurtures composure, he or she need not ever overeat again. 
It may not be easy to change. But if we practice these slow down behaviors for 21 days there is hope even if we've tried everything