Saturday, December 27, 2014

Tips for making that New Years Resolution Stick in 2015

Why Resolutions failed in the past?

2015 is rapidly approaching and approximately 50% of the American population will make their resolution come New Years Eve. Among the top resolutions are weight loss, exercise, stopping smoking, better money management and debt reduction. Many resolutions start out strong and go along great for the first few couple of day's or even weeks. Then like a thief in the night our resolution disappears from our sight, as a matter of fact according to research 88% of those resolutions die in the first few day's and weeks. That means 156 million failed resolutions and disappointed minds each and every year. 

Now let me just say this there's a huge list of why resolutions fail each year and I'm sure that many of you already know why yours have failed before. I've been in your same shoes before. I personally found that going over and over past failures produced more and more failures. This is when I decided to try something different. I decided to focus on a smaller list of what does work, not only did this keep me focused but it was a simpler plan that broke the failure cycle. You see the past habits killed it every time, What I found was forming simple new habits in the mind first made the resolution stick. So lets talk about those tips that worked?

Tips and Habits

1. Focus on One resolution at a time. Now isn't the time for multi tasking. When starting a new project you need to give it your complete focus. To many resolutions at once can overwhelm you and make you quit before you start. Remember this is a new year, you have 365 days for change. Stop trying to make it all happen in a couple of days or weeks. Long term success is better than short term. Short term is where you are now & long term is where you want to be. It takes at least 21 days of consistency for your brain to start changing those bad habits & consistency to make them stick.

2. Set Realistic Goals. Don't self sabotage your goals. Stop making unrealistic goals. For example if you need to lose 100 lbs don't set a goal of I'll lose it in 3 months. A realistic goal would be 1-2 lbs a week, not only is this realistic but it's a healthy weight loss goal. Losing to much weight quickly can have serious health problems associated with it. Remember it didn't take you a few days or weeks to become overweight it took time and losing it is going to take time also. Be specific with your goals also. Saying I need to lose weight isn't being specific, but saying I need to lose 20 pounds in 90 days is.

3. Don't make your resolution a event. Think about it? When you attend a event it ends. Many resolutions end each year in failure and just in a few days or weeks. Your resolution isn't a event it's a lifestyle change. Unless you enjoy making the same resolutions every year and failing each time? (I'm guessing that's a NO!) Then make it a life long commitment, the longer the commitment the easier it gets. The mind sees it as a daily & yearly routine a new healthy habit. When that happens it becomes part of you, second nature and you do it without thinking about it. The key is daily all year long.

4. Small steps reap big rewards. Many people try doing it all at once and when they don't see instant results they quit. Take smaller reachable steps towards your goals. Not only will you see better results but longer lasting results in the process. Think about it like building a house. First you need to lay a foundation of concrete let it dry and then start building it from the bottom up one piece at a time. You wouldn't build your house on quick sand it would sink. For Example: If your wanting to lose weight instead of turning vegan and going into shock. Start putting smaller healthier food choices into your plan, as you start to feel & look better you will find it easier to make better a better food choices that will have a positive effect on your life everyday.

5. Find a accountability partner or group! Having a support system or group is a great way to keep each other motivated & accountable. Find someone you know who will keep you accountable with your goals and motivate you. If you had someone last year that you picked for this and they dropped out faster than you did? Then they are not the same people you want this year to be your cheering section. Success leaves clues, find someone who you can trust and know that will keep you on your toes. You may not from time to time like what they have to say but sometimes we have to have someone on the outside looking in to change the habits that caused us to fail before.

6. Celebrate the small successes. Many people wait till the goal is complete to celebrate the successes along the way.That doesn't make what your doing much fun & may make it even harder for you to continue. When your favorite sports team scores do you wait till the game is over to give praise or do you jump to your feet and shout "YES That's the way to score"? As you reach your smaller goals along the way give yourself permission to enjoy your success, just don't go overboard, and have fun. This will make reaching your goals more enjoyable and you'll want to keep going.

7. Live in the present not the past. You can't change what happened yesterday. You can make a change today, tomorrow and everyday after that. Each day focus on what can I do today that will help you reach your goal? Write it down and then do it now! Remember your changing old destructive habits for new successful habits. So do it now don't wait. Be mindful, become physically, emotionally and mentally aware of your inner emotions as each external event happens,moment by moment, rather than living in the past or future.

Above all else have fun, don't take yourself so seriously. If you slip up do yourself a favor and laugh at yourself and move forward. Your not starting a world war with yourself, you're making a positive change in your life. So laugh, have fun & be a better person for it.

Written by 
Dennis Harlow
CHNP Harlow's Holistic Health 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

How to Cut back on spending, not your health?

Money, health & happiness  is at the forefront of nearly every one's minds in today's not so great economy. People want to be healthy and happy but don't want to break the bank in the process. Many people suffer from poor health & health practices just because it's just to darn expensive in today's world.

Often they opt in for less expensive health products that are filled with chemicals, heavy metals, toxins, processed sugars & fillers, synthetics etc. There's some 80,000 new chemicals introduced in America each year & only 20% of those are ever checked for toxicity that leaves 80% that aren't.

Many of those chemicals are introduced into our food, water, air & personal care products because they're cheap to manufacture plus create huge returns for companies in the process. The sad part is Federal regulations allows this here in the U.S.

The health industry is a Multi-billion dollar industry that's scheduled to grow into a multi-trillion dollar industry in the next 10 years. So if you think it's expensive now just wait.

Now for the good news? Your health & wallet don't have to suffer this global growth.
What how can that be?

Not all companies care about the money they can make at the expense of your health & lack of your finances. As a matter of fact companies like Shaklee we're looking into the future when he started a 100 years ago.
Dr. Shaklee not only knew that nature held the answers to a long healthy life, he also knew that other companies would introduce chemicals into health products making them more affordable with adverse side effects in the people who consumed them.

Dr. Shaklee didn't care about the money, his vision was set on creating healthier lives & people and passing on the savings to the people not the company. His products are made to the highest standard far above Government & pharmacopoeia standards. with over 350 tests above pharmacopoeia & over 100,000+ quality tests annually Other companies won't do this for 2 reasons.

1. It costs them to much money which means less money for them.

2. They don't have the technology that took 40 years of Dr. Shaklee's life to create & produce superior products then he patented it.

His Vision was Shaklee is Always Safe, Always Works & Always Green Unconditionally Guaranteed or your money back. "ALL OF IT" not pro rated like so many companies today.

Many ask what makes Shaklee products so affordable? First of all you won't find Shaklee products on a store shelf because it's exclusive. That means you won't pay for any middle man costs associated with other products you find in stores across the globe that raises the cost of your products that cost pennies to produce. But costs you dollars in the end. No Shaklee products come strait from nature then tested not once but 4 times before it ever reaches you. If it doesn't work or isn't safe you'll never see it period. That's why Shaklee products are the trusted brand across the globe.

So how does that save me money? I'm glad you asked.

1. Dr. Shaklee's products work so you use less and get more out of each & every product.

Think about how many products you use everyday that just don't work like they say they do? Are these products healthy? Do you use them a lot and do they cost you pennies or dollars each day, month or year? products like dish & laundry detergent, how about personal care products like skin & hair care that aren't safe for you your family or the environment? Bathroom cleaners that are toxic and run off into our lakes, streams & oceans? contaminating our air, land & water supply.

On average each house hold spends over $3,400+ a year just on toxic cleaning supplies alone. These cleaning supplies can cause,asthma, cancer & degenerative diseases just to name a few in you and your family.
Shaklee's Get Clean Line is the only line of products that addresses all these problems & saves you over $3,400 a year leaving your home toxin free & clean. Click on the picture below & learn more about Shaklee Get clean products.

Want to save even more? Call me personally and save 15%-25% by ordering wholesale from me by phone.

Safe, healthy & natural baby & personal care products that last much longer than what you use now. Saving you more money & delivering better health guaranteed. Click the picture below to learn more.

Call & save.

All of our products save you money. Lets face it what's the cost of a product that isn't safe, doesn't work or make you healthy in the process? Exactly worthless. Every Shaklee product is backed by a 100% unconditional money back Guarantee. How can we do that. It's simple the average Shaklee consumer uses Shaklee products 18.5 years or more, much more.

Why because it works....

Looking to be healthy & save money? Have a health problem that won't go away?

My Name is Dennis Harlow Your personal Holistic Nutrition Professional.
Need special attention or health advice?

Call me at 562-375-2557 for a complimentary wellness consultation.

Dennis Harlow
Harlow's Holistic Health

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Update personal weight loss

Day 90-120 Shaklee 180 Turnaround!

Hi everyone. Back again with our update with Shaklee 180. Both myself & the wife went through what we have to say was the easiest transformation we've ever had in the many years in our quest for loosing weight & getting healthy. We've been meaning to post more about our transformation with The Shaklee 180 Turnaround, but to be honest we've been extremely busy with people wanting to know how we did it and helping them with there personal transformations.

We love food doesn't everyone? The hardest part was getting all the food in each day. We had our 2 smoothies each day these kept us full for 3-4 hours. Let me explain. Each delicious nutritious Smoothie was equal to the Protein = 4 eggs, Fiber = 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup cauliflower, 1 cup pineapple, Leucine = 5 oz chicken breast, Vitamin D = 10 oz Tuna, Calcium 2 cups milk. 

We did 2 smoothies a day for 90 days plus 2-3 regular healthy meals in between. That's a lot of food. The program comes with recipes as part of the program and each one of them were off the hook yummy & Satisfying. Plus the app to track your day's with a scan feature that logs your snack or meal off the bar code, way cool. Simple short burst workouts 3-5min to complete and burn as much calories as 1 hr workouts in the gym. It also maximizes lean muscle growth this is important because Muscle = metabolism and The Leucine is a amino acid that triggers the body to keep the muscle and burn fat. Total cost of each meal $2.97 so it cut our grocery bill in half we actually saved money eating healthier.

But the results that's the real issue. Things like feeling better, feeling & Looking younger, energy, health issues associated with being over weight & of course keeping the weight off etc. A complete life style change for sustainable health. This is where many diet's fail because people gain the weight back and in some cases even more. Let me be clear Shaklee 180 isn't a diet. It's a life style teaching program that works. Diet's don't work plain and simple.

As they say the proof is in the pudding and a picture is worth a thousand words. So here's 2000 words so to speak. Myself Day 90 left to right top & Day 119 bottom Left to right. total weight 55 Lbs lost & 3 pant sizes

My Wife 45 Lbs lost and 4 dress sizes

We lost the weight we wanted & we learned how to eat for life Not just to live, big difference. The difference in our health and the people we've been helping will never be the same. More energy, happier, healthier. Active and loving it.

You don't have to be overweight, you don't have to be tired and out of breath doing daily chores, your genetics have nothing to do with your health. Those are all preventable and can be changed when you choose too.  Just look at all the great success stories of people who Did what we did. You can be one of them.

Remember an EXCUSE is just a negative thought meant to keep you from success. Are you ready for your turnaround?