To Sugar or not to Sugar That is the ?

Confusing right? of course it is. And for good reason at least for the big junk food companies who compete for the all familiar all mighty dollar. What they don't want you to know is that there is a difference when it comes to sugars, this is why they do their best to convince you that all sugars are the same. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The Average American today consumes 130 lbs or more of refined sugar a year. That's 50 tsp a day! much of this today is in pure junk food like candy. jams, soda, ice cream, pastries, sugar coated cereals and so much more. It's being hidden away in what we call acceptable foods: Like soups, peanut butter, whole wheat bread and canned corn just to name a few and has replaced natural sugar in the American diet today.
The Average American today consumes 130 lbs or more of refined sugar a year. That's 50 tsp a day! much of this today is in pure junk food like candy. jams, soda, ice cream, pastries, sugar coated cereals and so much more. It's being hidden away in what we call acceptable foods: Like soups, peanut butter, whole wheat bread and canned corn just to name a few and has replaced natural sugar in the American diet today.
From 1950-1980 fresh fruit consumption dropped an estimated 26% as Americans ate more refined sugar pound per pound in 1980. As time goes on since then we've seen a spike in overall health problems like diabetes, heart disease, hypoglycemia, obesity and much more.
The other problem is unless you know how the human body assimilates sugars and effects health. This can make things even more confusing for people. If you search the web today you can find literally thousands of research articles both fore and against refined sugar use. But today many whistle blowers are coming out of the woodwork about the truths of sugars and your food.
They talk about falsified research in areas like these and more. One of the best documentaries available today but not the only one is Fed Up. You have the right to know the truth about your health and food but not everyone feels this way and that should make you angry when it comes to yourself and your families health.
They talk about falsified research in areas like these and more. One of the best documentaries available today but not the only one is Fed Up. You have the right to know the truth about your health and food but not everyone feels this way and that should make you angry when it comes to yourself and your families health.
Simple & Complex Sugars What's the difference?
There is a very big difference when it comes to sugar and how the body reacts to it. These are know as simple and complex carbohydrates, carbohydrates composed of starches and sugars are converted to glucose,a simple sugar which the body then uses for fuel. Our greatest most nutritional need is for fuel. It's estimated that approximately 90% of the body's nutrient needs are for glucose or simple sugar.
Carbohydrates, high in simple sugar are the most readily usable for body fuel. The carbohydrates in whole fruit are easily and efficiently converted to blood glucose as the bodies primary fuel. So lets look at 2 very different sides of sugars Both fruits and vegetables and Refined sugar?
Carbohydrates, high in simple sugar are the most readily usable for body fuel. The carbohydrates in whole fruit are easily and efficiently converted to blood glucose as the bodies primary fuel. So lets look at 2 very different sides of sugars Both fruits and vegetables and Refined sugar?
Refined Sugar is Fragmented:
Through heating, mechanical and chemical processing, all vitamins, proteins, fats, enzymes every single nutrient is removed. What's left is nothing but pure white sugar and naked calories. Actually 64 food elements are destroyed in the processing process. This leaves the refined sugar fragmented and sets up nutritional imbalances in the body that causes health problems galore.
Refined Sugar Leaves A Toxic Acid Residue:
It's acid forming, this mean the body has to take vital alkaline minerals-sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium to metabolize refined sugar because of the high sugar content. So much calcium is used to neutralize massive sugar intake that bones become osteoporotic and teeth decay.
Refined Sugar Contributes to Blood Sugar Disorders:
One pound of apples contains 263 calories and One pound of candy contains 1800 calories. Refined sugar is plain and simple junk food, it's so concentrated far beyond what the body was ever made to metabolize at one sitting and highly addictive. As a matter of fact Diabetes and Hypoglycemia are the 2 primary refined sugar diseases that plague the Sugarholic in America today.
The failure of the pancreas to produce adequate insulin when blood sugar rises. Concentrated amounts of cause rapid rise in blood sugar. Chronic intake eventually exhausts the pancreas when it tries to compensate for frequent doses of concentrated sugar. Insulin production becomes insufficient to support sugar habit and sugar spills over into the urine. Once that happens the person is diagnosed as diabetic and is condemned to taking insulin or face diabetic coma or death. Diabetes is the number 3 killer today and climbing in America.
This is the flip side of diabetes and another culprit of refined sugar. Hypoglycemia occurs when the body still has a fairly strong pancreas, however the body over reacts to concentrated sugar and releases to much insulin from the pancreas and blood sugar levels fall far below normal stable levels.
The Hypoglycemic experiences syndromes of fatigue; headaches, mental depression, disorder, and irritability and then fixed with another fix of refined sugar that puts the sufferer in a endless cycle that ends in Enervation and Toxicosis. Frequently the pancreas wears out from over stimulation and the Hypoglycemic becomes the Diabetic who can't produce enough insulin for normal metabolic activities.
Refined sugar contributes to heart disease:
Fat isn't the only culprit in heart disease. High amounts of refined sugar cause the insulin in the body to convert blood glucose into fatty acids and triglycerides (type of blood fat) People on high sugar diet show a significantly higher level of fats in their blood, high fat content in the blood is directly related in the development of plaque build up in the arteries(hardening of the arteries).
Refined sugar has no fiber:
It's stripped of all fibers from processing which includes cooking at high heat, fragmenting breaking down of food into various parts leaving a unbalanced source of nutrition and preserving by adding chemicals also know as non nutritive substances which are poison to the body.
It is actually because your body can’t digest fiber that it plays such an important part in digestion. Soluble fiber, like that found in cucumbers, blueberries, beans, and nuts, dissolves into a gel-like texture, helping to slow down your digestion. This helps you to feel full longer and is one reason why fiber may help with weight control.
Insoluble fiber, found in foods like dark green leafy vegetables, green beans, celery, and carrots, does not dissolve at all and helps add bulk to your stool. This helps food to move through your digestive tract more quickly for healthy elimination. Many whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables, naturally contain both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Refined Sugar leads to addiction and weight gain:
Sugar is high in calories to begin with about 800 calories to the cup. Then we want to bake or cook it into some high fat, high salt (another protoplasmic poison, that we'll cover for another time) tempting so called treat like fudge, German chocolate cake etc. Then we wash it down with another high sugar drink which works just like a drug. The sugar addict faces withdrawal's and starts their decent back down the road of health problems.

Fruits and Vegetables (simple sugars or simple carbohydrates):
Not only are fruits, vegetables easily eaten uncooked and they are delicious, only fruits and most vegetables a virtually toxic free "Organic of course" or Non GMO crops. The simple sugar in fruits and vegetables are readily absorbed in 1-3 hours which makes them the easily digested food of all.
They are not stripped of vitamins, proteins, fats, enzymes and contain the purest of water which makes up to 78-95% water in its uncooked form. They are alkaline in metabolic reaction with alkaline minerals sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron which is predominate in virtually all fruits and vegetables this helps restores the bodies alkaline reserves not deplete it. High in fiber and also cover our caloric needs. It also brings the body back to alkaline and therefore promotes homeostasis normalizing the bodies healing properties. Since the body is the only thing that can heal itself and it's in a more alkaline than acidic state when this happens? It just makes sense to feed the body what it needs to be in that realm. That's simplicity at it's best no pun intended.
They supply a natural detoxification process in the body, They don't cause diabetes, hypoglycemia, heart attacks, osteoporosis, kidney failure, etc, etc, etc. As matter of fact Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds deliver life giving health qualities to the 75 trillion cells throughout the human body for the development of healthy organs. It's really silly and down right demeaning that they actually go out of their way to make people think that simple and complex sugars have no difference in your overall health. And that the body uses them the same way. Just understand that's it's not about your health when they say things like this, it's about your addiction to their high sugar content drug.
Listen if you don't think so then we challenge you to do this. For the next 90 days instead of grabbing that refined sugar when you have an urge for something sweet pick up some fresh ripe fruit and some vegetables and eat them raw. If you don't like vegetables raw lightly steam them not to much so you don't cook the nutrients out of the food and top with a tasty
dressing like this one.
Pecan Treat Topping
Add the juice of 2 lemons and 4 oranges with 8 ounces of pecan butter and blend. Use as a dip or dressing.
After 90 days let your body and health be the judge and let the truth be known.
you can also make those fruits and veggies count in a delicious alkalizing smoothie to save time with all the health benefits to boot. On our Pinterest page Harlow's Holistic
Accept the challenge and watch how your health, energy and zest for life takes a complete turnaround,
The best investment you can ever make is your health!
The best investment you can ever make is your health!
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