Saturday, August 1, 2015

Know your sugar - what they don't want you to know?

To Sugar or not to Sugar That is the ?

Confusing right? of course it is. And for good reason at least for the big junk food companies who compete for the all familiar all mighty dollar. What they don't want you to know is that there is a difference when it comes to sugars, this is why they do their best to convince you that all sugars are the same. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The Average American today consumes 130 lbs or more of refined sugar a year. That's 50 tsp a day! much of this today is in pure junk food like candy. jams, soda, ice cream, pastries, sugar coated cereals and so much more. It's being hidden away in what we call acceptable foods: Like soups, peanut butter, whole wheat bread and canned corn just to name a few and has replaced natural sugar in the American diet today.

From 1950-1980 fresh fruit consumption dropped an estimated 26% as Americans ate more refined sugar pound per pound in 1980. As time goes on since then we've seen a spike in overall health problems like diabetes, heart disease, hypoglycemia, obesity and much more.

The other problem is unless you know how the human body assimilates sugars and effects health. This can make things even more confusing for people. If you search the web today you can find literally thousands of research articles both fore and against refined sugar use. But today many whistle blowers are coming out of the woodwork about the truths of sugars and your food.

They talk about falsified research in areas like these and more. One of the best documentaries available today but not the only one is Fed Up. You have the right to know the truth about your health and food but not everyone feels this way and that should make you angry when it comes to yourself and your families health.

Simple & Complex Sugars What's the difference?

There is a very big difference when it comes to sugar and how the body reacts to it. These are know as simple and complex carbohydrates, carbohydrates composed of starches and sugars are converted to glucose,a simple sugar which the body then uses for fuel. Our greatest most nutritional need is for fuel. It's estimated that approximately 90% of the body's nutrient needs are for glucose or simple sugar.

Carbohydrates, high in simple sugar are the most readily usable for body fuel. The carbohydrates in whole fruit are easily and efficiently converted to blood glucose as the bodies primary fuel. So lets look at 2 very different sides of sugars Both fruits and vegetables and Refined sugar?

Refined Sugar is Fragmented:
Through heating, mechanical and chemical processing, all vitamins, proteins, fats, enzymes every single nutrient is removed. What's left is nothing but pure white sugar and naked calories. Actually 64 food elements are destroyed in the processing process. This leaves the refined sugar fragmented and sets up nutritional imbalances in the body that causes health problems galore.

Refined Sugar Leaves A Toxic Acid Residue: 
It's acid forming, this mean the body has to take vital alkaline minerals-sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium to metabolize refined sugar because of the high sugar content. So much calcium is used to neutralize massive sugar intake that bones become osteoporotic and teeth decay.

Refined Sugar Contributes to Blood Sugar Disorders:
One pound of apples contains 263 calories and One pound of candy contains 1800 calories. Refined sugar is plain and simple junk food, it's so concentrated far beyond what the body was ever made to metabolize at one sitting and highly addictive. As a matter of fact Diabetes and Hypoglycemia are the 2 primary refined sugar diseases that plague the Sugarholic in America today.

The failure of the pancreas to produce adequate insulin when blood sugar rises. Concentrated amounts of cause rapid rise in blood sugar. Chronic intake eventually exhausts the pancreas when it tries to compensate for frequent doses of concentrated sugar. Insulin production becomes insufficient to support sugar habit and sugar spills over into the urine. Once that happens the person is diagnosed as diabetic and is condemned to taking insulin or face diabetic coma or death. Diabetes is the number 3 killer today and climbing in America.

This is the flip side of diabetes and another culprit of refined sugar. Hypoglycemia occurs when the body still has a fairly strong pancreas, however the body over reacts to concentrated sugar and releases to much insulin from the pancreas and blood sugar levels fall far below normal stable levels.
The Hypoglycemic experiences syndromes of fatigue; headaches, mental depression, disorder, and irritability and then fixed with another fix of refined sugar that puts the sufferer in a endless cycle that ends in Enervation and Toxicosis. Frequently the pancreas wears out from over stimulation and the Hypoglycemic becomes the Diabetic who can't produce enough insulin for normal metabolic activities.

Refined sugar contributes to heart disease:
Fat isn't the only culprit in heart disease. High amounts of refined sugar cause the insulin in the body to convert blood glucose into fatty acids and triglycerides (type of blood fat) People on high sugar diet show a significantly higher level of fats in their blood, high fat content in the blood is directly related in the development of plaque build up in the arteries(hardening of the arteries).

Refined sugar has no fiber:
It's stripped of all fibers from processing which includes cooking at high heat, fragmenting breaking down of food into various parts leaving a unbalanced source of nutrition and preserving by adding chemicals also know as non nutritive substances which are poison to the body.

It is actually because your body can’t digest fiber that it plays such an important part in digestion. Soluble fiber, like that found in cucumbers, blueberries, beans, and nuts, dissolves into a gel-like texture, helping to slow down your digestion. This helps you to feel full longer and is one reason why fiber may help with weight control.
Insoluble fiber, found in foods like dark green leafy vegetables, green beans, celery, and carrots, does not dissolve at all and helps add bulk to your stool. This helps food to move through your digestive tract more quickly for healthy elimination. Many whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables, naturally contain both soluble and insoluble fiber.

Refined Sugar leads to addiction and weight gain:
Sugar is high in calories to begin with about 800 calories to the cup. Then we want to bake or cook it into some high fat, high salt (another protoplasmic poison, that we'll cover for another time) tempting so called treat like fudge, German chocolate cake etc. Then we wash it down with another high sugar drink which works just like a drug. The sugar addict faces withdrawal's and starts their decent back down the road of health problems.

Fruits and Vegetables (simple sugars or simple carbohydrates):
Not only are fruits, vegetables easily eaten uncooked and they are delicious, only fruits and most vegetables a virtually toxic free "Organic of course" or Non GMO crops. The simple sugar in fruits and vegetables are readily absorbed in 1-3 hours which makes them the easily digested food of all.

They are not stripped of vitamins, proteins, fats, enzymes and contain the purest of water which makes up to 78-95% water in its uncooked form. They are alkaline in metabolic reaction with alkaline minerals sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron which is predominate in virtually all fruits and vegetables this helps restores the bodies alkaline reserves not deplete it. High in fiber and also cover our caloric needs. It also brings the body back to alkaline and therefore promotes homeostasis normalizing the bodies healing properties. Since the body is the only thing that can heal itself and it's in a more alkaline than acidic state when this happens? It just makes sense to feed the body  what it needs to be in that realm. That's simplicity at it's best no pun intended.

They supply a natural detoxification process in the body, They don't cause diabetes, hypoglycemia, heart attacks, osteoporosis, kidney failure, etc, etc, etc. As matter of fact Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds deliver life giving health qualities to the 75 trillion cells throughout the human body for the development of healthy organs. It's really silly and down right demeaning that they actually go out of their way to make people think that simple and complex sugars have no difference in your overall health. And that the body uses them the same way. Just understand that's it's not about your health when they say things like this, it's about your addiction to their high sugar content drug.

Listen if you don't think so then we challenge you to do this. For the next 90 days instead of grabbing that refined sugar when you have an urge for something sweet pick up some fresh ripe fruit and some vegetables and eat them raw. If you don't like vegetables raw lightly steam them not to much so you don't cook the nutrients out of the food and top with a tasty
dressing like this one.

Pecan Treat Topping
Add the juice of 2 lemons and 4 oranges with 8 ounces of pecan butter and blend. Use as a dip or dressing.

After 90 days let your body and health be the judge and let the truth be known.

you can also make those fruits and veggies count in a delicious alkalizing smoothie to save time with all the health benefits to boot. On our Pinterest page Harlow's Holistic

Accept the challenge and watch how your health, energy and zest for life takes a complete turnaround,

The best investment you can ever make is your health!


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Protein the Facts, Fictions & Myths!

Protein, Protein, Protein?

It's no wonder that so many people today are confused when it comes to protein. With recommendations coming from friends, family, government and everywhere in between all with a different message about what it does, why we need it and how much the body needs? It's enough to drive you completely mad. Without a clear understanding of what proteins are, how they work,what they do and how much is really needed in the human body. It makes perfect sense why so many are confused and misinformed or really even know what protein is or even comes from, like it was some kind of alien food source thats secret is hidden by some being from another planet or something. Nothing could be furthest from the truth and it's about time to lay all the hype to rest.

What are Proteins?

First of all we need to start with finding out what Proteins are? Proteins are polymer chains made of Amino acids that are linked together by Peptide bonds. These Amino acids are divided into 9 Essential Amino Acids (from food) and Non Essential Amino Acids that are made by the body (from other amino acids). Protein is found in all human cells. The 9 essential amino acids that only come from food are: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. And the 12 nonessential amino acids that the body makes are: arginine, alanine, asparagine,, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamine, glutamic acid, glycine, proline, serine, tyrosine and selenocysteine.

When it comes to nutrition proteins are broken down in the stomach by digestion by enzymes known as proteases into smaller polypeptides to provide the body amino acids. Essential Amino Acids cannot be biosynthesized by the body itself. 

What is Proteins Function?

The nutrient protein is needed by the body for growth & maintenance. Protein is found in all cells and is the main structural component of all cells in the body especially muscle, This includes organs, hair and skin. Protein is also utilized in membranes such as glycoproteins and when broken down into amino acids are used as precursors to nucleic acid and vitamins, hormones and enzymes are also formed from amino acids which help regulate metabolism and support the immune system & other body functions. Protein is needed to form blood cells. Proteins are one of the key nutrients for sports success and play a major role in exercise, amino acids are the building blocks of protein for new tissue, including muscle as well as repairing damaged tissues. 

Protein provides only a small source of fuel in exercising muscles being used as fuel only when carbohydrates and lipid resources are low. There are many types of protein and the type of protein is important to the bodies response to metabolic response, muscle performance and can affect the rate of protein digestion. When this happens the amino acid availability and accumulation of tissue protein is altered because of various protein metabolic responses.  

Is Protein Quality Important?

Yes! Different proteins have different levels of bioavailability to the body and can be lacking in the 9 live essential amino acids that the body cannot produce and must be obtained from food. Protein Such as milk, meat, fish, eggs etc. Can affect the rate of protein digestion, as a result amino acid availability and accumulation of tissue protein is attained due to metabolic responses therefore rendering it incomplete. Also the absorption of amino acid is done by the gastrointestinal tract. Absorption of individual amino acids are highly dependent on the protein source.

Can to much protein be harmful?

You betcha! According to Dr. Campbell and also Dr, Douglas Graham. Dr. Graham who is a life long athlete and coaches elite world athletes and movie stars from around the world and is a seasoned athlete and non-seasoned athlete authority on the requirements of the human body. Dr. Graham states when meeting with new clients their response is that "they need large quantities of protein for energy or to keep us from getting sick". Dr. Graham says nothing could be further from the truth! 

Remember proteins primary function is growth which is negligible in adults, as well as repair from injury and replacement of worn out cells.

Officially 10% protein is recommended and it includes a wide safety margin. However U.S. Government officially says that our protein intake should be somewhere between 10 and 35% total calories and it's very difficult to consume 20% of total calories from protein, unless you're following a strict regimen of refined protein such as protein powder or egg whites. Fewer than 5% of Americans obtain more than 21% of their calories from protein and the average ranging from 10-21%.

In regards to the hype and marketing from the meat and dairy industries, humans require low amounts of protein in their diets. Groups such as the World Health Organization, National Academics Institute of Medicine and The National Research Council suggested a mere 10% of our calories as protein equals sufficient. Lets look at an example: Infants because of the extreme rapid rate growth, require the highest protein per calorie of all humans. Mothers milk provides an average approx 6% of calories from protein for growing infants.

So because protein(amino acids) are building blocks of living cells. It's Major Function is growth, repair from injury and replacement of worn out cells and once we reach adulthood we have very little requirement of raw materials which we are made of. And the fact that infants require 6% of calories from protein is ample proof that you've been lied to for far too long in the name of greed set forth by the meat and dairy industry.

But there's a bigger problem that can come from to much protein in the human diet? To much creates an emergency condition that puts the body in a constant state of toxicity. And in 2003 the U.S. RDA recommended protein intake is 0.36 grams per pound of body weight or 0.8 per kilogram - 91 kilograms 2.2 lbs and these numbers are calculated for a typical sedentary female & Male who's diet consists of 1,600 and 2,200 calories a day. That comes to 44 grams of protein for a female, and 55 grams for a male.

So if infants need only 6% because they need the protein most due to rapid growth then why the 10% for adults? As stated before 10% is a wide safety margin for the fact that most people eat their protein cooked. Cooking significantly deranges protein and other nutrients when heated, so 10% is not only sufficient but reasonable. So the safety factor isn't a problem it's the over consumption of protein that leads to health problems.

Athletes and Bodybuilders!

Have long consumed extra protein with the belief that dietary protein builds muscle. The reality is only weight bearing exercise builds muscle. When not enough carbohydrates are supplied it's true that protein requirements go up as the body transforms protein into carbohydrates and uses it for fuel, however it doesn't bring about the results desired. Bodybuilders should note that extensive viable studies like the one from the institute of medicine/food and nutrition board has determined that no additional protein is required for physical activity.

Lisa Osborn a professional Bodybuilder in Canada for many years says she achieved the best results of her career when she switched to the 80/10/10 diet with muscle growth like none of her trainers have ever seen. The 80/10/10 referes to 80% carbohydrates 10% protein 10% fat diet.

Proteins Everywhere.

We're often asked where can I get my high quality protein from? All plant food contains protein and consuming 5% of calories from protein is difficult to avoid if your eating enough food to meet your daily calorie needs. Americans eat 16% protein. Percentages of calories on the Standard American Diet (SAD) come from mostly meat, dairy and eggs runs in the teen and the bell curve that covers protein consumption for the majority of the population ranges from 11-21% of calories from protein. On the low end of the curve includes a small population who eat low fat vegan who's calories from protein are in the single digits, to the high end of the curve who intentionally eat high protein diets about 30% and then Bodybuilders who range in the 40-59% protein or more.

The dangers of to much protein.

When listening to the meat and dairy industry the message comes across that we're in danger of death and disease if we fail to consume massive quantities of protein at least 3 times a day or more. The truth is it causes the very thing we've been taught to fear!

And the truth is most people suffer from an overdose of protein each day that accounts for ill health. To much protein in our diet is responsible for all manner of health problems including symptoms such as: Constipation and other digestive disorders, that often lead to toxemia (Toxic Blood and Tissue) and eventually cancer, autoimmune dysfunction, arthritis as well as other autoimmune conditions, premature aging, impaired liver function, kidney failure, osteoporosis and countless degenerative and pathogenic conditions.

In general protein-based foods are highly acid forming in the human body even high protein plants, such as legumes. Because their predominate minerals are Chlorine, phosphorus and sulfur. So in order to maintain homeostasis in the body we must counter balance the acidity caused by to much protein, it does this with our precious alkaline mineral calcium from our bloodstream. Calcium in the bloodstream must stay relatively constant by removing it from the teeth and bones making a stage for osteoporosis and tooth decay.

However fruits & vegetables contain the right amount of protein to build and maintain, and contain alkaline minerals such as calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium.

Calculating Daily Protein Intake

Calculating your daily protein intake doesn't require a degree in math and it doesn't have to take the entire day to get it down. Regardless if you're sedentary or extremely active this will work well because of the difference in individual fuel use.

Example Female: (0.36 grams of protein x 125 lbs = 45 grams of protein.)
45 grams of protein contains approx 180 calories (45 x 4=180.)
Lets say this women eats about 1,800 calories a day the amount of protein would come to 10% of her total calories per day. Lets say she's more active and eats 2,300 calories per day 180 calories of protein would amount to 8%.

If it's a Male calculate the same way. One more lie you've been told is about protein deficiency. Protein deficiency doesn't exist it's simply a shortage of food, a chronic, severe deficiency of calories, which causes people to literally digest their own muscle tissue for fuel. So now that you know more about protein lets get down to the truth and the facts!

Facts Not Hype

If you talk to a scientist who have a PhD in nutrition or biochemistry you will find out it is easy to get enough protein, in fact most people eat to much protein and their health suffers as a result. Many people believe that athletes and weight lifters need more protein. Dozens of studies have proven that heavy work & exercise will not increase the need for protein. When people are extremely active they need more calories. Think of it this way?

Calories to the body is what gasoline is to a car, and protein to the body is what engines are to a car. So if you were to drive a car further at higher speeds you would need more gas not more engines. What is protein used for in the body? To build tissue, make hormones and enzymes, hemoglobin and antibodies.

There's No Doubt that the debate will continue about protein and other areas of health. You will continue to be slammed with millions of marketing ploys by the meat and dairy industry and even our government, etc. But  the simple fact is Americans are the most over fed and under nourished people and our over consumption of protein is just one drop in the bucket when it comes to our health or lack thereof. 

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Is Your Lymph, Limp? Why it's important and what you can do!

The Lymphatic System!

It's important to understand the basics of the "Lymphatic System" and the role it plays in your health...

Most people have heard the word Lymph Nodes and some may even know the locations of the many lymph nodes throughout the body.  But few people truly understand what the Lymphatic System does and the correlation of this amazing system and it's overall role in a healthy body.

From the Picture above you can clearly see that the entire system runs from head to toe almost like a tree. The Lymph Vessels are similar to branches & roots of a tree; the trunk is in the chest, the branches go into the arms and up into the neck & head; and the roots go down into the legs and feet.
This gives a mental image of your Lymphatic System but you're probably asking what does it do and how is it different from the circulatory system?

What The Lymph System Does

In a nut shell the Lymph System picks up the waste the circulatory system wasn't designed to handle! You see the arterial and venous circulatory system is a closed circuit where blood carries all important Nutrients, including oxygen to 75 Trillion cells throughout the human body and waste including carbon dioxide is carried away from the cells to be eliminated by the Lymphatic System.

It's important to remember that unlike the circulatory system which is a closed circuit, the  Lymph System is not! It originates in the countless spaces between the cells known as Interstitial spaces or Intercellular spaces. The branches join to form the tree as in the diagram. The Lymphatic System ends by dumping its contents into 2 major veins: The Thoracic Duct & Subclavian Vein.

So even though the circulatory system and the lymphatic system are continually circulating fluids throughout the body they're independent of each other as far as tubing goes; that being said however, the lymphatic system does end by pouring it's contents into the circulatory system at 2 junctions.

The fluid known as Lymph in the interstitial spaces called the lymphatic terminals. Surrounding the cells is a fluid the picks up blood proteins, large molecules & other waste by products unable to return to the blood. The Lymphatic System then drains the fluid (lymph). The Lymph is pumped into the lymphatic mainstream to the frequently occurring lymph nodes and through the liver where it's strained and detoxified. As you can see where the circulatory system is a delivery system the Lymphatic System is the drainage and filtration system for waste that can't be absorbed by the blood.

Why is this Important?

It's Important because without a strong circulation of the Lymph, waste can build up and when waste builds up in the body then Toxemia is the result. Toxemia is a beginning stage of disease. In fact Dr. Guyton in his well read medical school handbook, The Textbook of Medical Physiology , states the absolute necessity of keeping the lymph moving. 

He said that without the lymphatic system to carry away the blood proteins and large particulate matter-including dead cells and other toxic materials away from tissue spaces, neither which can be removed by absorption directly into the blood capillary... We see that this removal of blood proteins from the interstitial spaces by our lymphatic system is an essential function and without it we would die within about 24 hours. This makes it pretty clear that the Lymphatic System that's not really talked much in the main stream when we talk about health needs attention. Why? Because to apply the knowledge of what is know as Lymphology so that our health improves, you need to understand that activity is of utmost importance.

First of all the force of gravity is working against us, since the Lymph must flow uphill and there is no actual pumping organ to aid the lymph. It moves through the system in the right direction due to the large number of valves that only permit uphill fluid flow. The other problem is we have our own inertia working against us known as lack of exercise. Want a healthy Lymphatic System and better health? Then it's time to get off your duff and implement the following or suffer the consequence's. You can have a healthy Lymphatic System and better health and here's how?

Techniques To Lymphasize and Energize Your Way To Health

The Single Most Effect Exercise to a healthy Lymphatic System is Rebound Exercise also known as Lymphasizing.

 It's gentle bouncing action acts as a pump for the lymph fluid to pump the toxins out in the same manner as if you were running around a track breathing deeply. Okay so here are some other things you can do also.

1. Breathing deeply as in the exerted act of breathing deeply

2. The contraction of skeletal muscles in any movement whatsoever but better if done through exercise like rebounding.

3. Through the contraction of the lymphatic walls themselves where lymph is pumped from one valved segment to the next.

4.The natural, ongoing pulsation of blood that accompanies movement the more the better through exercise.

5. Simple use of skeletal muscles, best done through stretching, aerobics & weight training.

6. Passive compression of body tissue, like rubbing the body gently or a professional massage or lymphatic massage session.

7. The use of a slantboard for at least 10 minutes twice daily.

Scientific studies show that lymph flow increases as much as 10 to 15 times during exercise compared to rest and greater Lymph flow means greater detoxification!!!!

Want to know more about other health issues and what you can do? Please like and share also leave comments and requests for what you want to know about and we'll cover your areas of concern.

Thank You and we look forward to hearing from you here at Holistic Health Corner.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Detoxing for Chronic Diseases Acid-Alkaline Balance Part 2 of 2

What can we do?

The responsibility starts with us. The companies that make these unhealthy chemicals you use, wont stop making them until you stop using them. They're over priced, unhealthy, cause many unnecessary diseases & illnesses while polluting our food, water and air. We're literally destroying ourselves & planet. What we must do is reverse the past mistakes that will heal & rejuvenate both us and our environment.

It's not to late but we have to act now! First step is to remove toxins from your life to get the maximum return. After careful research I've personally discovered the only company that's taken the time to invest $250,000,000.00 in Research & Development making sure that the products we use everyday always safe, always work & always green making them safe and effective for ourselves and the planet. What personally impressed me most as a health professional was the Landmark Study which was a 20 year study in collaboration with UC Berkeley school of public health and published in the Nutritional Journal. This is the only study of its kind showing that Shaklee products have been proven to clearly create better health in people who use no supplements or other supplements.

After using them myself I quickly saw health benefits with myself, family & clients. I also realized we saved money without having to give up overall effectiveness of what we used before and actually worked better than what we used before. Finding safe and effective products that help us fight the ever growing battle against toxins is hard until now. Changing brands can change your life in more ways than one.

1. Safe & Effective Personal Hygiene: Our skin is the biggest living organ of our body. Shaklee's personal hygiene is therapy for the skin, hair & body parts, made from organic's that protect the skin from everyday toxins and free radicals while promoting healthy cell growth.

2. Home Care: Chemical cleaners in the home are the leading cause of indoor air pollution, are poisonous if ingested, and can be harmful if inhaled or touched. In fact, some cleaners are among the most toxic products found in the home. In 2000, cleaning products were responsible for nearly 10% of all toxic exposures reported to U.S. Poison Control Centers, accounting for 206,636 calls. Of these, 120,434 exposures involved children under six, who can swallow or spill cleaners stored or left open inside the home. Switching them out for safe but yet effective alternatives can help remove toxins from your body & save money.

3. Laundry Care: Chemicals in your Laundry detergents also come in contact with your skin. on average it would take 7 rinse cycles in order to remove the harmful toxins that bind to the fibers in your clothes. Not only does it considerably shorten the life of your garments but your garments are in constant contact with your skin both day & night while these chemicals enter your body. Switch them out with safe non toxic alternatives that keeps chemicals off your skin and extend the life of your garments.

4. Nutrition: It's no surprise that our food isn't the same food as 100 years ago. Back then our nutrients from food was higher in key vitamins, minerals and nutrients than today making it more nutrient dense in the past. Today GMO crops are a huge problem causing major health issues for consumers. Finding a viable food source to produce and sustain the bodies natural enzymatic function in order to produce healthy cellular growth is critical to the overall health and wellness of everyone on the planet. Our food needs to be chemical free, contain live enzymes, have proper food combinations (Acid-Alkaline-Balance), have bioavailability and be organic. 

By removing toxins from our lives and at the same time increasing our consumption of fruits & vegetables (Alkalizing Foods) and decreasing our cheese, meat, fish, and grain products (Acid Forming Foods) we can bring our bodies back to a homeostasis medium & promote the bodies natural detoxification process.

Note: A understanding of proper food combinations is essential even when consuming fruits and vegetables because improper food combinations can have a acidic effect in the body and cause acidosis. Have you known someone who is either vegetarian or vegan and still have health issues? 
Yes we've met them also and after talking with them it was apparent they didn't understand this vital concept, but with a little help from us they started feeling & experiencing health and rejuvenation on a cellular level. 

Are you needing help? contact us at Harlow's Holistic Health (562) 375-2557 or email us at 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Detoxing for Chronic Diseases Acid-Alkaline Balance Part 1 of 2

The (Standard American Diet) is truly SAD Indeed!

There have been more and more studies these days pointing at the Standard American Diet as the source of today's many health issues. Over the last few decades many variations of the SAD diet have surfaced as new & improved versions of a failing food chart for the ever growing health complications associated with the SAD Diet. They can be chalked up as fads that come and go with the times. America has been well known as the land of plenty for those who seek a better life.

However it's becoming very apparent that the land of plenty now includes plenty of GMO's
( Genetically Modified Organisms) or as one of my friends calls them CMO'S (Chemically Modified Organisms) That show up in Processed Foods: Oil's, sweets' refined grains, meats, eggs, dairy, fish, fruits & vegetables, toxic cleaners & personal care products in the home, toxins in our air and water. Does this mean all the mentioned above are GMO or CMO? 

No! Thanks to many health conscious people, organic farmers, communities & organizations formed to keep our health, safety & nutrition as part of our healthy lifestyle choices. As American's we still have hope for us, our children and our children's children. If you look at the chart above you can see if we stay on this course set out by the Standard American Diet we will continue to see health problems soar. We're in the middle of chemical warfare today and it's at our front door! We can start making the difference by detoxing our homes.  By removing toxic chemicals from our homes we can help increase our health goals 10 fold. The skin is our biggest organ. If chemicals & toxins are attacking our skin daily (and they're) then they're in your blood and organs also.

Things to remember?

1. Personal Hygiene: Are your personal care products chemical & petroleum based? Body lotions, soap. shampoo or conditioner, antiperspirants, oral hygiene, etc. 

2. Home Care: Are your cleaning products Non Toxic, safe for you, your family and planet? Do they leave a carbon footprint in the air, water or soil? Would you use them around open food sources? If you answered No or just don't know then it's time to change them.

3. Laundry: Are your detergents and whiteners Chemical based? If they're? they touch your skin also all day every day. It takes up to 7 rinse cycles to remove those toxins from your clothes plus the chemicals break down the fibers considerably shortening the life span of clothes.

4. Food, Water & Air: Thanks to today's over processed foods, GMO foods & chemicals in our water and air it makes it difficult for many to be healthy, due to lack of educating the public of health problems associated with these unhealthy practices. We said difficult not impossible! In fact we're going to show you a easy, low cost, money & life saving way to change and transform you health & life forever!

Be sure to come back for part 2. Where we'll have important information to share with you that will make immediate changes in your health and happiness.

Visit us @ Harlow's Holistic Health