Sunday, June 21, 2015

Protein the Facts, Fictions & Myths!

Protein, Protein, Protein?

It's no wonder that so many people today are confused when it comes to protein. With recommendations coming from friends, family, government and everywhere in between all with a different message about what it does, why we need it and how much the body needs? It's enough to drive you completely mad. Without a clear understanding of what proteins are, how they work,what they do and how much is really needed in the human body. It makes perfect sense why so many are confused and misinformed or really even know what protein is or even comes from, like it was some kind of alien food source thats secret is hidden by some being from another planet or something. Nothing could be furthest from the truth and it's about time to lay all the hype to rest.

What are Proteins?

First of all we need to start with finding out what Proteins are? Proteins are polymer chains made of Amino acids that are linked together by Peptide bonds. These Amino acids are divided into 9 Essential Amino Acids (from food) and Non Essential Amino Acids that are made by the body (from other amino acids). Protein is found in all human cells. The 9 essential amino acids that only come from food are: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. And the 12 nonessential amino acids that the body makes are: arginine, alanine, asparagine,, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamine, glutamic acid, glycine, proline, serine, tyrosine and selenocysteine.

When it comes to nutrition proteins are broken down in the stomach by digestion by enzymes known as proteases into smaller polypeptides to provide the body amino acids. Essential Amino Acids cannot be biosynthesized by the body itself. 

What is Proteins Function?

The nutrient protein is needed by the body for growth & maintenance. Protein is found in all cells and is the main structural component of all cells in the body especially muscle, This includes organs, hair and skin. Protein is also utilized in membranes such as glycoproteins and when broken down into amino acids are used as precursors to nucleic acid and vitamins, hormones and enzymes are also formed from amino acids which help regulate metabolism and support the immune system & other body functions. Protein is needed to form blood cells. Proteins are one of the key nutrients for sports success and play a major role in exercise, amino acids are the building blocks of protein for new tissue, including muscle as well as repairing damaged tissues. 

Protein provides only a small source of fuel in exercising muscles being used as fuel only when carbohydrates and lipid resources are low. There are many types of protein and the type of protein is important to the bodies response to metabolic response, muscle performance and can affect the rate of protein digestion. When this happens the amino acid availability and accumulation of tissue protein is altered because of various protein metabolic responses.  

Is Protein Quality Important?

Yes! Different proteins have different levels of bioavailability to the body and can be lacking in the 9 live essential amino acids that the body cannot produce and must be obtained from food. Protein Such as milk, meat, fish, eggs etc. Can affect the rate of protein digestion, as a result amino acid availability and accumulation of tissue protein is attained due to metabolic responses therefore rendering it incomplete. Also the absorption of amino acid is done by the gastrointestinal tract. Absorption of individual amino acids are highly dependent on the protein source.

Can to much protein be harmful?

You betcha! According to Dr. Campbell and also Dr, Douglas Graham. Dr. Graham who is a life long athlete and coaches elite world athletes and movie stars from around the world and is a seasoned athlete and non-seasoned athlete authority on the requirements of the human body. Dr. Graham states when meeting with new clients their response is that "they need large quantities of protein for energy or to keep us from getting sick". Dr. Graham says nothing could be further from the truth! 

Remember proteins primary function is growth which is negligible in adults, as well as repair from injury and replacement of worn out cells.

Officially 10% protein is recommended and it includes a wide safety margin. However U.S. Government officially says that our protein intake should be somewhere between 10 and 35% total calories and it's very difficult to consume 20% of total calories from protein, unless you're following a strict regimen of refined protein such as protein powder or egg whites. Fewer than 5% of Americans obtain more than 21% of their calories from protein and the average ranging from 10-21%.

In regards to the hype and marketing from the meat and dairy industries, humans require low amounts of protein in their diets. Groups such as the World Health Organization, National Academics Institute of Medicine and The National Research Council suggested a mere 10% of our calories as protein equals sufficient. Lets look at an example: Infants because of the extreme rapid rate growth, require the highest protein per calorie of all humans. Mothers milk provides an average approx 6% of calories from protein for growing infants.

So because protein(amino acids) are building blocks of living cells. It's Major Function is growth, repair from injury and replacement of worn out cells and once we reach adulthood we have very little requirement of raw materials which we are made of. And the fact that infants require 6% of calories from protein is ample proof that you've been lied to for far too long in the name of greed set forth by the meat and dairy industry.

But there's a bigger problem that can come from to much protein in the human diet? To much creates an emergency condition that puts the body in a constant state of toxicity. And in 2003 the U.S. RDA recommended protein intake is 0.36 grams per pound of body weight or 0.8 per kilogram - 91 kilograms 2.2 lbs and these numbers are calculated for a typical sedentary female & Male who's diet consists of 1,600 and 2,200 calories a day. That comes to 44 grams of protein for a female, and 55 grams for a male.

So if infants need only 6% because they need the protein most due to rapid growth then why the 10% for adults? As stated before 10% is a wide safety margin for the fact that most people eat their protein cooked. Cooking significantly deranges protein and other nutrients when heated, so 10% is not only sufficient but reasonable. So the safety factor isn't a problem it's the over consumption of protein that leads to health problems.

Athletes and Bodybuilders!

Have long consumed extra protein with the belief that dietary protein builds muscle. The reality is only weight bearing exercise builds muscle. When not enough carbohydrates are supplied it's true that protein requirements go up as the body transforms protein into carbohydrates and uses it for fuel, however it doesn't bring about the results desired. Bodybuilders should note that extensive viable studies like the one from the institute of medicine/food and nutrition board has determined that no additional protein is required for physical activity.

Lisa Osborn a professional Bodybuilder in Canada for many years says she achieved the best results of her career when she switched to the 80/10/10 diet with muscle growth like none of her trainers have ever seen. The 80/10/10 referes to 80% carbohydrates 10% protein 10% fat diet.

Proteins Everywhere.

We're often asked where can I get my high quality protein from? All plant food contains protein and consuming 5% of calories from protein is difficult to avoid if your eating enough food to meet your daily calorie needs. Americans eat 16% protein. Percentages of calories on the Standard American Diet (SAD) come from mostly meat, dairy and eggs runs in the teen and the bell curve that covers protein consumption for the majority of the population ranges from 11-21% of calories from protein. On the low end of the curve includes a small population who eat low fat vegan who's calories from protein are in the single digits, to the high end of the curve who intentionally eat high protein diets about 30% and then Bodybuilders who range in the 40-59% protein or more.

The dangers of to much protein.

When listening to the meat and dairy industry the message comes across that we're in danger of death and disease if we fail to consume massive quantities of protein at least 3 times a day or more. The truth is it causes the very thing we've been taught to fear!

And the truth is most people suffer from an overdose of protein each day that accounts for ill health. To much protein in our diet is responsible for all manner of health problems including symptoms such as: Constipation and other digestive disorders, that often lead to toxemia (Toxic Blood and Tissue) and eventually cancer, autoimmune dysfunction, arthritis as well as other autoimmune conditions, premature aging, impaired liver function, kidney failure, osteoporosis and countless degenerative and pathogenic conditions.

In general protein-based foods are highly acid forming in the human body even high protein plants, such as legumes. Because their predominate minerals are Chlorine, phosphorus and sulfur. So in order to maintain homeostasis in the body we must counter balance the acidity caused by to much protein, it does this with our precious alkaline mineral calcium from our bloodstream. Calcium in the bloodstream must stay relatively constant by removing it from the teeth and bones making a stage for osteoporosis and tooth decay.

However fruits & vegetables contain the right amount of protein to build and maintain, and contain alkaline minerals such as calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium.

Calculating Daily Protein Intake

Calculating your daily protein intake doesn't require a degree in math and it doesn't have to take the entire day to get it down. Regardless if you're sedentary or extremely active this will work well because of the difference in individual fuel use.

Example Female: (0.36 grams of protein x 125 lbs = 45 grams of protein.)
45 grams of protein contains approx 180 calories (45 x 4=180.)
Lets say this women eats about 1,800 calories a day the amount of protein would come to 10% of her total calories per day. Lets say she's more active and eats 2,300 calories per day 180 calories of protein would amount to 8%.

If it's a Male calculate the same way. One more lie you've been told is about protein deficiency. Protein deficiency doesn't exist it's simply a shortage of food, a chronic, severe deficiency of calories, which causes people to literally digest their own muscle tissue for fuel. So now that you know more about protein lets get down to the truth and the facts!

Facts Not Hype

If you talk to a scientist who have a PhD in nutrition or biochemistry you will find out it is easy to get enough protein, in fact most people eat to much protein and their health suffers as a result. Many people believe that athletes and weight lifters need more protein. Dozens of studies have proven that heavy work & exercise will not increase the need for protein. When people are extremely active they need more calories. Think of it this way?

Calories to the body is what gasoline is to a car, and protein to the body is what engines are to a car. So if you were to drive a car further at higher speeds you would need more gas not more engines. What is protein used for in the body? To build tissue, make hormones and enzymes, hemoglobin and antibodies.

There's No Doubt that the debate will continue about protein and other areas of health. You will continue to be slammed with millions of marketing ploys by the meat and dairy industry and even our government, etc. But  the simple fact is Americans are the most over fed and under nourished people and our over consumption of protein is just one drop in the bucket when it comes to our health or lack thereof.